Album Review: Adrian Crowley – Some Blue Morning

ADRIAN CROWLEY: SOME BLUE MORNING  (Chemikal Underground) ★★★★✩   As the days shorten and the temperatures plummet, there is perhaps no surer companion than a new Adrian Crowley album. Laden with evocative imagery and teeming with sullen atmospherics, the seventh release from the enigmatic Galwegian is one to lose yourself in – the aural equivalent of…

Album Review: Damien Rice – My Favourite Faded Fantasy

Originally published in the Metro Herald on Monday 10th November 2014 // DAMIEN RICE: My Favourite Faded Fantasy Vector recordings ★★★✩✩  After a self-imposed exile that lasted eight years, Ireland’s most féted troubadour makes his much anticipated return. Those wilderness years were certainly tumultuous, with an acrimonious  split from linchpin collaborator and partner Lisa Hannigan…

Album Review: Kormac – Doorsteps

As featured in the Metro herald // KORMAC Doorsteps ★★★★✩ In 2010, Kormac impressed with a debut that was forward-thinking but steeped in the past, as the Dublin button-twiddler turned vintage snippets and samples into hugely original creations. For this long-overdue follow-up he’s looked to the here-and-now for inspiration, harnessing an unlikely selection of names….